1) Diet
I think that diet is sometimes good for health, sometimes bad for health. Because, for example, if we eat only high-calorie food such as the fast food almost every day, we suffer from the metabolic syndrome to say in the world and are very unhealthy. In other words if eat the food which is good for health every day, we don't suffer from disease like the metabolic syndrome. Today, generally speaking, a healthy food is Japanese food. Above all, it is said that plum pickles and Japanese green tea are good for health. Plum pickles have a lot of effects. For example, it can remove physical fatigue, fix the condition of the stomach, cure a hangover early and be alleviation of fever. Japanese green tea has been drinking for old days, and most of Japanese long-lived drink it. There are antibacterial action and well oxygenation to Japanese green tea. Recently, it is said that Japanese green tea has effective in the cavity prevention, and attracts attention abroad.
Do you like plum pckles and Japanese green tea? If you have
never eaten these, please try!!
Do you like plum pckles and Japanese green tea? If you have

2) Exercise
Jogging is the best and the most simple way to exercise. Jogging is representative exercise of the aerobic exercise. You can burn body fat effectively to do it, and it is most suitable for a diet. In addition, it is said that is effective in the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases such as high-blood pressure, diabetes, and the arteriosclerosis. Besides, it help cancellation of the stress and is effective in letting mind and body refresh. Jogging is never necessary to continue to run at fast speed like running which aimed for competition. At speed of the degree that you can talk and you should run at your pase slowly. If you begin jogging, you don't have to prepare for special thing. A durable shoes is all you need and you can do it alone. It is very comfortable when you jog at your pase while enjoying scenery. Please try it if you interested.

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