
Japanese Culture

I think that kanji is most interesting and confusing thing for foreigners. First, I will tell you about interesting point for foreigners. A lot of foreigners are interested in kanji because they think that kanji has mean one word is very cool, like kanji’s complex design, shape and looks and enjoy it like one of art. In addition, kanji is used in everywhere in Japan now, so foreigners who come to Japan take pictures of anything and everything used kanji. Many of them interested in kanji, so some of them have kanji tattooed on their body or wear clothes which printed kanji. Second, I will tell you about confusing points. I told you some foreigners have kanji tattooed or wear kanji printed T-shirt at first. However, almost all foreigners use kanji without understand meaning of it and they misunderstand about kanji, so they have strange kanji goods. For example, a Australian man had 気違い(kichigai) ,it means crazy, tattooed on his arm without understand meaning. After know the meaning, he was disappointed. On the other hand, some foreigners wear kanji printed T-shirt like 讃岐饂飩(sanukiudon) , which is Japanese noodle or 便所(banjo) , it means a toilet in English. There are a lot of examples that are interesting. If you would like to see, please click here. Thus, foreigners misunderstand and can’t understand meaning of kanji and they are confused by kanji before they know it. However, almost all Japanese wear T-shirt that English printed without understanding meaning. I think that Japanese it not to be laughed at foreigners.


Blog Questionaire

I asked three questions for six persons.

Ⅰ. Why did you choose this title for your blog?
1. Her circle's nickname. 2. She think it seems to cool. 3. Her nickname.
4. No meaning. 5. Her own idea. 6. No mening.

Ⅱ. What your best blog?
Movie: 4 peoples Autumn Festival: 1 people New Zealand: 1 peole

Ⅲ. Did you use dictionary when you write your blog?
Yes: 6 peoples No:0 people
Always: 2 peoples Sometimes: 2 peoples Often: 2 peoples


My Best 3 Blogs!! ~in other classes~

I will introduce my best blogs in other classes. There are many good blogs in other classes!

*1st* 011 SMIRNOFF
This blog is easy to see and understand blog. It is not so gaudy, so I think it is the best.

*2nd*338 Momota Blog
This blog has many interesting and funny pictures. Sentences are well organized.

*3rd* 301 Coppelia
This blog' s design is very cute. But it is a pity this blog's link cannot see.

I think these three blogs are good. I hope you will find your favorate blogs!


My Best 3 Blogs!! ~in my class~

There are many good blogs on my class. I think that all blogs are good, so I can't choose. However, I have to choose 3 blogs, so I will tell you about my best 3 blogs.

*1st* 904 ★SMILEY★
I think this blog is the best because it is very colorful, easy to understand, and cute. I do like this blog very much!!

I think this blog has long sentences which is easy to understand. Maby, writer who make this blog has good knowledege of English. And this is very chic desing, so it is easy to see.

*3rd* 931 Diary*Day
This blog is simple, but it has many nice links and good pictures. I think simple blog is better than disoder one.

Did you understand my opinion? My opinion is extreme, so you don't have to believe my opinion.